Fallout 3 all guns
Fallout 3 all guns

  • Agatha has an ammunition box in her house that contains a mini nuke, amongst other ammunition.
  • With Broken Steel installed, Olney Powerworks also contains two ammunition boxes with alien power cells.
  • Two ammunition boxes in Fort Independence contain alien power cells.
  • Two in the National Archives Secure Wing East, next to the safe holding the Magna Carta.
  • fallout 3 all guns

  • Two in the archival strongroom of the National Archives, next to the safe holding the Declaration of Independence.
  • Three in Vault 92 living quarters, south on the local map.
  • Three boxes in the military checkpoint near Roosevelt Academy.
  • Five in the in a military truck in a military checkpoint, west of Northwest Seneca Station.
  • Six in the Arlington Library children's wing.
  • The build makes use of the Unyielding armors (up to +3 SPECIAL stats.
  • Seven In Alexandria Arms, same room as the pre-War book. Heavy Gunner will increase the damage of all heavy weapons while Nuclear Physicist.
  • Eight boxes in Fort Independence, bomb storage, in the Very Hard locked ammunition storage.
  • Theo's ammo box - contains four frag grenades and a large supply of ammo, found next to deceased Reilly's Rangers member Theo, located on a stairway in the Statesman Hotel's mid-level.
  • For example, to add one of Combat Shotgun in perfect condition, you would type: To add them to your inventory, open the command console ( ~) and type player.additem followed by the item code, the quantity you want, and the condition you want it in. These are the known codes for the various weapons that can be found and equipped in Fallout 3. For an overview of Fallout 3 content, please refer to 'Portal:Fallout 3'.

    fallout 3 all guns

    For weapons in other Fallout games, please see 'Weapon'.

    fallout 3 all guns

    For details, please see the respective articles. The content is not described in full detail on this page. Player.additem 00020420 1 100 ARMOR ITEM CODES This page lists all weapons in Fallout 3.

    Fallout 3 all guns